NMLS Education and Testing Answers Get Help Reading Education Record

What NMLS MLO education and Testing do I need?  Detailed MLO NMLS Education and Testing Plans Created

We craft custom education plans to maximize MLO education reciprocity and minimize your investment of time and money, get answers fast, provide your Nmae, NMLS number and what you want to accomplish and we will provide answer!

Ask us, complete this form and tell us how we can help, and we will provide answers, most often within minutes.

Do I need to complete MLO Continuing Education this year for license renewal? 

Most likely, unless this year is the first year in which you were licensed and you completed your NMLS SAFE 20 hour this current calendar year also.

How do I get licensed in multiple states as an MLO?

Provide a list of your target states and we will create an efficient and cost effective plan to accomplish your state MLO licensing objectives and infrom you of any special state licensing rules for any of your listed states.

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